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March 13, 2014


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Chad Cicanese

Actual Bridge is on cr131 Knipp rd west of 590 the creek is Nine mile not Muddy. The light will come from old Hetric rd where the house used to be and turn left onto 131 and vanish on the bridge. There is now a house just east of the bridge. I last saw the light 25 years ago and I do not believe it was on March 21st as we were out looking at Christmas lights that same night. I have been back during the day time and had to push my Bike off the bridge to get it to start, it had no power on the bridge.

Dominique King

I'm thinking the no-power-on-the-bridge thing would creep me out enough!


Hi im Robert, I did see the ghost rider once. Im not 100percent of the location because I went late at nite 22 years ago with people who aready knew where it was. I been trying to find the place because my girlfriend thinks im full of shit. One thing im sure if is they do not want people to know where it is.

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