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« Carl Fisher: Father of the Lincoln Highway | Main | Driving in Amish Country »

July 14, 2011


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Sounds like a really fun place to visit. And yum...did someone mention a fudge factory? :)

Dominique King

Fudge...yes, fudge was involved :lol:

Darlene Neu (Oswald)

My Dad, Owen E. Oswald was born and raised in Farmerstown, Ohio. My brother and I would visit our Grandparents, Oscar and Pearl Oswald, during the summer. We would go to the auctions on Tues. Then ride our bikes down the hill to a small cheese making factory they had there. Boy, were those EVER the good ole days. Someyimes, wish I were little again. :)

Dominique King

Thanks for stopping by, Darlene!

Sounds like a great place to grow up. We had a lot of fun visiting and loved the cheese we got there. Beautiful area, too.

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