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October 29, 2015


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Thanks so much! I was curious about this


Thanku so much
Its truely amasing!

Eugene Patrick Carroll

Dave-some related history: My dad's brother, Eugene Carroll was the police chief on the Island in the early '70's. He was a retired Cleveland cop. We used to get to fly on the (circa 1929) Ford tri-motor airplane to visit him and Aunt Catherine on the weekends; (Tim, Mike and I.)
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Patrick Carroll
Patrick Carroll I was always intrigued by the site where the old Victory Hotel stood-It had the original cement swimming pool, one of the first in the nation, still there. Little grass covered mounds of rubble were scattered all over the grounds-Uncle Gene would let us pick through them and find old spoons, artifacts, pottery and such from when the hotel burned down. see http://www.midwestguest.com/.../the-history-and-mystery...

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