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« Visiting Hendricks County's historic jail and museum | Main | More great Midwest-related reads for spring and summer »

March 26, 2013


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Tonya {The Traveling Praters}

I'm a fan of reading historical markers as well. I love gleaning little tidbits of information about the attractions I see- they really help me to appreciate the people and events that shaped the community.

Thanks for linking up to the Best of the USA blog hop. I couldn't help but read your post and think of my brother. He is a huge baseball fan and I think he'd really enjoy visiting Hendricks County and learning more about Sam Thompson.

Don Thompson

Nice story about our great-uncle. Actually, Danville didn't donate the marker, but our family raised the funds to erect it. We also put he full monument on his grave in Detroit. Sam and Ida didn't have any childen so it was his great-nephews and nieces who did that. We are quite proud of him and his accomplishments. He was a very important citizen of Detroit in its hey-day. Factories, businesses, courts, and town government shut down during his funeral and procession to Elmwood. Don Thompson

Dominique King

Thanks for stopping by, Don!
You do have a lot to be proud of...I thought your great-uncle's story was pretty amazing. I read about the turn-out for his funeral procession in Detroit and how the city pretty much stood still as it happened. I liked being able to include both markers in the story.
Historical markers here in Michigan are often funded pretty much the same way-a group will research the story and raise the money to erect a marker-so it's no surprise to me that the marker in Danville was funded in the same way.

Dominique King

Thanks for stopping by, Tonya!
I'll always take pictures of the markers I see in my travels...those photos can serve as a sort of note-taking, and I've found some pretty cool stories because once I've come home and researched the story. I was especially intrigued in this case as Big Sam had a strong Detroit connection.

Don Thompson

By the way, a biography of Sam Thompson will be published by MacFarland Publishers and written by Roy Kerr sometime in 2015. You'll enjoy the reading since the writer has uncovered many more facts concerning Sam's career.

Dominique King

That's a book I'll definitely have to look out for, especially as I like to read an review stories with a strong Midwest tie. It's sure to be an interesting book. I'll put it on my book list as one to look for when it comes out. Thanks for remembering to come back here and point it out to me, Don.

Dominique King

Don-Wow! Looking at the McFarland site, I see that Kerr has a number of books out about early baseball players. Your great-uncle's story should make a nice addition to his catelog :)

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