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« Photo Friday: Zen garden at Geneva-on-the-Lake, Ohio | Main | Midwest music mix list #2: Ohio »

May 15, 2012


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There's a lot happening musically in MN these days. One fun collection is the three-CD set of Minnesota Beatle Project, with Beatles tracks covered by a huge variety of MN bands. Some play it straight, while others put their own spin on the songs (gotta love a bluegrass version of I Am the Walrus). Also, Duluth's Trampled by Turtles was on Letterman recently, and Polica was on either Fallon or Kimmel.

Dominique King

Thanks for the suggestions, Amy! I was thinking that Minnesota my very well be my next list. Seems like there is a particularly vibrant music scene in the Twin Cities. I love the name, Trample by Turtles! :lol:


There's a lot happening in the hip-hop/rap areas too, but those aren't my kinds of music--if you like them, Dessa, Doomtree, Brother Ali, and Atmosphere are all highly regarded.

Stacy Lukasavitz

Great list! Are you on Spotify? If so, find and add me in there. Check my public playlists, a long time ago I made a couple samplers of Detroit rock and country... there's plenty more where that came from. (I know a lot of folks in the biz/scene.)

Also, if I could make a suggestion - If you make these lists in Spotify and public, other people could subscribe to them.
I've got a 4 hour drive tomorrow and would TOTALLY subscribe and play on my ride. Thanks!

Dominique King

Amy-Thanks for the hip-hop/rap suggestions...added to my list of tunes to check out!

Stacy-I've thought about checking out Spotify one of these days, but haven't had the time to do it yet. The playlist thing sounds like a good idea...I'm going to have a whole group of these mix lists, and making the playlists public sounds like a decent way of getting a little more Midwest music out there :)


Check out the intricate, Michigan grown lyrics and fresh sound of Frontier Ruckus. http://www.frontierruckus.com/earshot

Jesse Land

Hey Dominique! Amy's right, tons of great bands in MN nowadays. I stream The Current (www.thecurrent.org) often at work. Trampled by Turtles are awesome!

I'd say definitely add a Daisy May song ("Heart Song" is a great album) and a Bob Seger song to your next list. And I know Sufjan Stevens did a "Michigan" album. I'm not necessarily a huge fan of his stuff, but a lot of other people are. ;)

Great post!

Dominique King

Jetzcorn-Thanks for the suggestion. It's now on the list of names to consider for a future Michigan list.

Jesse-With a name like Trampled by Turtles, I have to check this band out! Seger didn't make this Michigan list (like a lot of other favorites), but he's definitely someone I'll put on a future list.

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