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June 30, 2011


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Mary J. McCoy-Dressel

I've been to almost all the lighthouses in Michigan and I'm pretty sure I've seen this one from a distance either by boat or car. Was it on private property before it became a state park? Great article covering other lighthouses as well.

Dominique King

Thanks for stopping by, Mary!

The park property was formerly commercial property, which the state acquired and cleaned up the brownfield areas there. The lighthouse is new construction built as they developed the park, although it is based on the plans for the vintage-1870s lighthouse at Tawas Point on the Sunrise side. You certainly could have seen it from the Detroit River or from along Atwater Street close to the RenCen.

Michele Berry

We have our sailboat at Tawas Bay at the point, so to visit the Riverwalk and State park top see the lighthouse replica was amazing! Love it and the family has visited three times alreeady this summer season.
See ya later heading to tawas!

Dominique King

Michele-Thanks for stopping by.

It's been a few years since I've been able to get back up to Tawas Point, so it's a lot of fun to be able to visit the replica right here in Detroit!
Have a great time in Tawas.

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