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« Midwest links for February 2011 | Main | Mystery, murder and other mayhem in Michigan »

March 03, 2011


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I can't say how much I loved this post. And isn't it wonderful that you came about learning of her because you noticed that small sign on the road. Good thing you took that turn!

Dominique King

Gypsy-This turned out to be a really fascinating story for me...although I had to cut about 2,000 words out of it to make it a reasonable length!
Aren't these little roadside surprises fun to find? That's one of my favorite things about road trips.

Cindy La Ferle

Wow -- fascinating woman, and a very good post today! I didn't know about Harriet, so I truly appreciate this introduction to a wonderful slice of Michigan history. We drive through Coldwater on our way to St. Joe, so I will stop to see this area sometime soon. Thank you.

Dominique King

Cindy-Thanks! I really wish that I felt I could spend more time talking about Harriet's movie career, as I've always been a real fan of silent films and some of the people she worked with at Biograph...and the story of Matilde Moissant is one I wish I had more time to explore as well.
Harriet's story is one I held on to until now to post (Women's History Month and all!), but I was pretty excited when we stumbled over this marker just driving around near Manistee last summer.
I'm hoping to get back out to Coldwater one of these days to see if the Quimby marker by the Branch County Airport is still there. There was enough evidence to erect that marker at one point, but subsequent research in Arcadia really does place her and her family in northern Michigan during her early childhood and school career.


I didn't know about Harriet! I love how fabulous she looks like. Thanks for sharing her story with us.

Dominique King

Grace-Thanks for stopping by! I loved how Harriet found such a great trademark in that purple flight suit, too :)

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