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January 14, 2011


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WOW! These photos are outrageous! I especially love the second one of the arches. Art Deco is my favorite architectural art style.
I recently visited Sagrada Familia in Barcelona. Stop by my blog, MANICinTheCity.com, and check it out. Thanks a lot!


Great job! Those are fabulous shots!


ooohh, I especially love that last one. It's all a bit gloomy, Gotham-city like.

Dominique King

Manic-Nice blog you have. I've always wanted to visit Sagrada Familia myself!

Sonja-Thanks! It was nice to have the time to really think about taking photos at the photowalk.

Carolina-I sure wish I could figure out how I got that effect. It was a grab shot, and I didn't take any others at that point because it looked like a loser in the preview. But I liked it when I got it home and loaded it onto the computer.


Fantastic. I'm having a hard time deciding whether the first or second photo is my favorite.

Dominique King

Gypsy-I had a difficult time picking these three photos from my Flickr stream of about 30 images...which came from probably around 200 images shot that day! That is the nice thing about digital...you can take a -lot- of shots without worrying about developing costs, so you have plenty of chances to get something decent :)
It really is a beautiful building!

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