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« Public art at Grand Valley State University in Allendale, Michigan | Main | Visiting the Kaleva Bottle House in northern Michigan »

October 22, 2010


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You can't help but smile at the sight of that marching band!


These are great! I also love the idea of creating something out of scrap.


That is so cool! Everybody loves a good marching band!

Dominique King

Nicole-That's why I wanted to share it here :)
Padnos is an interesting guy...and most of his pieces are similarly whimsical.

Anna-I like the idea of using discards to create something fun, too!

Jen-I liked being able to get in right among the figures to take pictures, too. Felt like I was one of them :lol:

wandering educators

very cool, d! i love this - we'll have to make a trip over to see it. i had no idea about him - and his recycling and art!

Sarah V.

This is great! So fun! I'm heading off to stumble this post...

Thanks for sharing!


Scrap metal is awesome. I love seeing people find better ways to recycle then simply "recycling".

Dominique King

Jessie-I thought the recycling part of the story was an interesting angle...that and the fact that he came to life as an artist fairly late in life.

Sarah-Thanks for the stumble!

irrationlist-I did like the idea that the "scrap" lived on as something for people to enjoy.

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