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« Manistee North Pierhead Lighthouse awaits fate | Main | Stroll from historic downtown Manistee to Lake Michigan along city Riverwalk »

January 20, 2010


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Wow! I'd love to see something like that someday! Have fun and thanks for sharing.

Dominique King

Wordwire-I love the creativity I see in some of the sculptures, and going during the day last year to see the whole creative process was interesting.
Plymouth's a quaint little town and fun to walk around any day, but it's especially hopping during the ice fest.


Ice + women holding chainsaws. Love this post!

Dominique King

Lorraine-I was glad I found photos of women carving with chainsaws...there were a lot of them out there last year, so I figured maybe there might be something other than "two men" in some of the chainsaw competitions :lol:

Becks Davis

I'm really hoping to make it out to Plymouth this weekend to catch some of the fun. Thanks for the tips!

Dominique King

Becks-We're thinking of going late this year to try to take some night photos. We've seen the lit sculptures a few times after Whaler games, but this year it seems like it might not be quite as cold...so walking around with the cameras at night might be a little more pleasant.
I remember the weather being very cold when we went out there during the day last year, and I was all about the freebie hand warmers they were handing out at the fest!

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