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« Where I live: Dueling Chainsaws square off at Plymouth Ice Festival January 22-24, 2010 | Main | Photo Friday: More Manistee, Michigan, views »

January 21, 2010


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Becks Davis

Wow! Those pictures are gorgeous and are making me long for summer.

I'm putting this on my list of places I'd like to visit this summer, thanks for sharing.

Dominique King

Becks-I'd love to get back up to Manistee myself. Some cool Victorian architecture around town I'd like to check out more closely, and the Riverwalk is a great place to go for a "photowalk" (although it was mighty cold out there when I took that last shot :)

Sarah V.

This looks like a great place to visit! Does it get crowded in the summer?


Sarah-Most of these photos were taken mid-summer, so you can see that it isn't over-crowded. The beach end can get a bit more crowded in summer, but we still saw pedestrian and plenty of boat traffic the entire length of the walk...enough to make it interesting, but so much that you worried about bumping into someone every second.

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