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December 24, 2009


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Beautiful! I actually don't toy with video often, but I've heard that Vimeo is a great site... http://www.vimeo.com/

Happy Holidays!

Dominique King


Thanks! I thought the light show was a good subject to experiement with--too bad the weather was so wicked that night. The video turned out OK for all that, though.
I know people who like Vimeo as well. I'm not sure what the differences are between that and YouTube...but I do know YouTube seemed pretty easy to deal with as a beginner :)

Nomadic Matt

Happy Holidays to you too!


Love the snowflakes!

And hope you had a nice holiday. :)

Dominique King

Matt-Thanks for stopping by! Happy travels.

Gypsy-I love the snowflakes, too. I'm hoping to get up there one more time to try and take a little more footage on a better day. It was pretty wet and miserable the night these clips were shot.
Hope your holidays are going great :)


I love the snowflakes too. so I began with YouTube too, but am going to transfer my videos to Vimeo too.
The videos look great. I found that my Flip is easy to use for short clips and little editing, plus it's HD and already formatted for internet. When I made my first videos for TSM I was using my video camera (with tapes!) and then using the iMovie editing software on my laptop. That editing software lets you put together multiple clips together with better transitions, and more text where ever you want, or to do narration. The narration is the trickiest, that's why I rarely do it. And I don't feel comfortable in front of the camera. I'm still learning a lot about videos, but felt very empowered when I made my first one.

Dominique King

Carolina-Sounds like I need to check out Vimeo. How is it different/better than YouTube?
I'm with you about being hesitant to get on camera myself. I so see where certain subjects lend themselves to video even better than still cameras--the snowflakes display is a case in point.
I've heard about iMovie, but have yet to try it. I just did the simple trims in the Flip program.
Ambient noise seems to be one of the biggest problems with the video I've done so far. I did one small clip with a friend who wrote a book, but noise in the room overpowered our conversation-making the clip pretty useless. Fortunately, I took a couple of photos at her book-signing...so I'll use those when I do a story about it (mystery series set in northern Michigan).

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