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« Food for travel giveaway and more Midwest links | Main | Travel back in time at Greenfield Village in Dearborn, Michigan »

October 02, 2009


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Kerry Dexter

nice contrast and connection in ideas between waterfall and street photos.

thanks for sharing the trip.


beautiful!! we haven't been there yet, but keep reading (and seeing) good things about it. i love the last photo.


Your photos really capture the quiet beauty of the place. Terrific!

Peter West Carey

A very cute looking town, you captured it well!


Looks like an ideal place to live or at least have a holiday place in. I like the shots you ahve capture the importance of the falls for the town and its people.

Angela K. Nickerson

What a charming town! I have a friend who grew up there, and now I know what it looks like. :)


Well I could just linger there right along with you!


I like the way you gently introduce the town from the falls, which in the first shot one would imagine to be quite separate from the town and then the widening of the surroundings uncovers a pretty little village.

Heather on her travels

It looks a pictureque little place to spend an afternoon


Kerry-The falls is really right in the center of town, so I'm glad I was able to make the connection successfully between the falls and village photos.

Jessie-I was especially fond of the last photo, too :) I'd stepped inside of the grapevine gazebo for a closer look at it and saw the town "framed" there.

Glennia-Thanks! Chagrin Falls is really a nice place for an unhurried walk around town to window shop (or duck into the little indie bookstore--which I'll probably write about one of these days), sit in the gazebo or wander down around the falls or in the park along the river there.

Peter-This really is one of my favorite scenic small towns for an overnight. One of these days, I'm hoping we'll be able to plan far enough ahead to book the B&B there.

Cate-The falls really were important in the development of the town and its history. Chagrin Falls is also nice to visit in the winter...they decorate it quite nicely for Christmas.

Angela-Glad I could show you a bit of the village!

Lorraine-We've visited Chagrin Falls quite a few times over the years...and it is a nice place to just hang around a bit and chill.

maria-I've seen several other towns centered by waterfalls, but Chagrin Falls is one that really takes advantage of the scenic setting with ample park area and nicely preserved buildings.

Heather-It's a great place to spend an afternoon!

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