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« Check out the "cheezborgers" at Chicago's famous Billy Goat Tavern | Main | Talk like an Egyptian: Dr. Bob Brier at Ohio's Toledo Museum of Art »

October 09, 2009


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Beautiful! I want to move into the cottage looking building! :-) I agree-whenever we go anywhere that we might return to we always buy a membership. Usually you only have to go back one or two more times to pay them off!


You have captured the village well and framed it nicely with the autumn colours. I really like the church steeple picture.


Thanks for the photos.


I've read about Greenfield Village, but never been. We'll have to check it out on our next trip to Michigan to visit relatives!

Sarah V.

I particularly like the last photo. I love the contrast between the shiny pottery and the dusty shelves.

Kerry Dexter

lovely shots. have not made it to Dearborn yet but it's on my list of places to visit, as a friend of mine grew up there. thanks for showing me this bit of it.


Great images of what looks like a very charming place. It's amazing how the Cotswold Cottage is so similar to my mother-in-law's house in the Cotswold.


I LOVE that cottage.

Mom to Tracy

Great Shots. Hats off to you. A job well done. You should get in touch with the bizymoms Dearborn community to feature these on their page. It’s free and the moms will love it.


Jen-I've always loved the cottage! Last time I saw it, they'd cleaned off a bit of the ivy. We seem to get our money's worth out of our Greenfield Village/Henry Ford membership each year!

Cate-The church steeple is one of my favorites, too. The batch of photos here, and on Tuesday's post, came from a couple of different visits (during the fall and during spring, I think).

Linda-You're welcome :D

Glennia-Yup, Greenfield Village and/or the Henry Ford Museum are musts if you visit here. Be sure to allow a full day for each one!

Sarah-Thanks! I'm not sure which shot I liked best, the one of the pottery on this post, or the one on Tuesday's post with the artisan working on a pot in the background.

Kerry-Greenfield Village is one reason a lot of people visit Dearborn!

maria-Your m-i-l lives in a cottage like this! I've always loved this particular place in the village.

gypsyscarlett-The cottage seems to be a favorite all the way around! It's the one place I always want to make sure I visit when I go to Greenfield Village.

MomtoTracy-Thanks! I'll have to check out the group, even though I'm not a mom...

Fly Girl

That cottage has captured my attention as well. Tea in that lovely place sounds wonderful.


Fly Girl-I've got to do tea in the gardens one of these days! We've eaten in several places in the Village and the museum, but I've yet to be there at the right time to do tea.
The village's Eagle Tavern is pretty fab, though. We've been to a few of the special holiday dinners...and just stopped in for lunch and a hot cider! Pretty nice on a cold, winter day or evening.

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