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September 01, 2009


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Thanks for the link love! You're doing great work.

Becks Davis

Congratulations on your 1st blog anniversary! I'm sure you'll have many more to follow.

Thank you for including me in your link-love list. I'm honored. And I can't wait to go and read the other posts on the list.

Keep doing what you're doing!

Steve Davis

Excellent post. I especially like the posts on small towns and byways. When our family goes motorhoming we always try to get off those darn Interstates as much as possible.



How nice of you to give away your extras. Looks like some fun kid stuff in the bags!

And thanks for the mentions of my posts. I appreciate it.


Thanks everyone! Which ones of you are in for the prizes?

Linda-I didn't see any sense in keeping the kids' stuff for myself...well, I never did have a Mr. Potato Head as a kid, but I don't really need one now :lol:


what fun bags!! i love your site - congrats on a YEAR!! i think our daughter would like the top swag bag, if we won it...


Jessie-I had enough decent stuff to put together two swag bags! If I had kids, they would have had a big giftee day when I got home from Chicago :)

Nancy Kleist

My little buddy Colton would love the Red Bag. I got to your blog from Detroit Moxie. I'll be checking back.


Nancy-Thanks for stopping by! We love Becks' Detroit Moxie site, too :)


My kids would happily accept one of your prize packs. :-)

Another Midwest travel site I found recently is Midwest Weekends: http://www.midwestweekends.com/ They even mention the Hermann the German celebration this coming weekend!


Saw this on Twitter! Always good to have a few extra 'tricks' up one's sleeve. These would come in handy!


Hi! Who can resist Mr. Potato Head? My kids are pretty toyless (due to our move to the midwest) until the end of October, so a surprise bag would sure brighten their day.

Congrats on the 1 year anniversary!


Thanks everyone for entering! I'm going to let Tim pick the winners' names tomorrow :)


Congrats to Beth and Tracyn!

Thanks everyone who commented...I'll get these bags out to their new owners and have another small giveaway later this month :)

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