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August 06, 2009


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I'm really glad you decided to blog about your travels because they're endlessly fascinating. :)

Donna Hull

Dominique, you were so smart to book a few extra days to explore Chicago. Wish I had done that because it's such a vibrant town with so much to see.

Great recap of TBEX. I like your suggestion of adding a travel experience to the mix. Wouldn't that be cool to read blog posts about the same activity from so many different points of view?

I enjoyed meeting you and hope to see you next year. I've started my online Spanish class. It's way cool.


Gypsy-Thanks for stopping by! I love writing about my travels, so I'm glad you enjoy reading my stories.

Donna-We enjoy Chicago, so it wasn't difficult to decide to spend the extra time there. I like to write about my travels, so it didn't make a lot of sense to travel somewhere--only to stay in convention venues the entire time and have nothing to write about when I got home.
I suspect if TBEX spins off as a stand-alone, I'll have to make a decision and attend just one conference next year...but I'd rather do one trip and have a more full experience than go to multiple conventions and have nothing to write about when I return home.

Nancy D. Brown

Hey Dominique,
Thanks for linking to my TBEX recap.
For me, the best part of TBEX was being able to put a name with a 'real life' person.
Great meeting you.
What a Trip!

Becks Davis

It sounds like a great conference and learning experience. I hope you'll share some of what you learned with me!


Nancy-It really -was- great to be able to meet everyone face to face. Hopefully we'll all be able to do it again next year!

Becks-I'm thinking its time for coffee again soon! :)

Debbie Dubrow

I'm so glad that you were able to join us (but bummed that after all this time conversing on-line I was too busy worrying over details to have a real F2F conversation with you)

Hope to see you again soon


Debbie-Yup, TBEX was short and sweet! Y'all did such a great job, and I really appreciate that. I especially appreciate you taking me under your wing early on (your post-BlogHer08 list of women travelbloggers was one of the first things I came across when starting the process of seriously starting a blog...first place I commented on the subject and the "tribe" quickly adopted me and urged me on as I started my blog a year ago).
Hopefully next time won't be quite so hectic and we can all spend a little quality F2F time.

jessie voigts

d - it was SO Great to meet you! and wish we'd had more time to talk. i love that you had more time in chicago and am so glad you had that!

thanks for mentioning our recap. :) can't wait for the next one! but hopefully we'll see each other before then - we live in the same state!


Jessie-I'm glad Tim was able to join me for a few post-conference days in Chicago. Amazing city...and I've got a lot of Chicago stories planned for coming months.

I'm thinking we should definitely try for a Michigan travel bloggy meet.

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