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July 17, 2009


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It was a great day for shooting photos. There are Calders more places than we think. I believe there is one in front of DTE Downtown

Becks Davis

I enjoy Calders work and as you pointed out, the size of this one makes it even more interesting. It's kind of, well, cute.


Tim-Here's a list of Calder's public works http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Alexander_Calder_public_works
I see a few in GR and one at the Mich Bell building in Detroit. We'll have to check out the DTE sculpture you're thinking about.

Becks-It was kind of cute! The whole Sculpture Garden around the museum was nice--a lot of fairly accessible works--but the Calder was my favorite.
We were down there to take photos of the Old West End (something you'll see here next week). Hopefully we'll get back down to go to the museum as it's a good one. We were there quite a few years back, and I remember they had a really nice glass collection.

Heather on he rtravels

I've not come across Calder's work before but I do love to see sculpture in public places.


Heather-Calder has a few large works here in Michigan, most of them in Grand Rapids on the state's west side.

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