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March 13, 2009


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Cindy L

Aren't they GORGEOUS!?! What fabulous pics... you make me want to go walk at the zoo, something I rarely think about (but should) in the winter!


Wow, last time I saw a camel up close Boris would have been a newborn. It was the middle of summer in Israel and it definitely did not have all that shaggy fur!


Next to the hippos, I think camels are the funniest zoo animals. Don't know why I find them so amusing, but then again, I'm easily amused.


Anyone who knows me, knows I have a little thing for camels. I adore my camel teapot that I got from a friend. And I have couple, okay, a few camel stuffies. I even rode a camel in Egypt. Which by the way is a VERY uncomfortable ride. And they sound exactly like Chewbacca! Anyway, thanks for the great pics.

From an adoring camel fan.

Angela K. Nickerson

They look quite content! Fun photos!


Cindy-Winter is our favorite time to walk in the zoo. It's even better on a nice, sunny day when the animals are out...but the crowds of people aren't out.

Debbie-I think we've seen the camels more in their shaggy winter wear than we have seen them without it in the summer. It was still pretty nippy the day we visited, so I'm sure they appreciated still having their winter coats!

Carolina-Maybe it's the comical looks on their faces. They almost look like they're smirking to me...or maybe it's just a secret smile as they're looking at the crazy people taking their photos?

Jackie-Riding a camel? That sounds like something to do once in life...but maybe only once!
Glad you enjoyed the photos.

Angela-Content! Maybe that's the look...contentment, rather than smirking. You think?
It was a nice sunny day, and just a beautiful day to be out and about. I guess I'd be content, too. :)

Fly Girl

Camels in Detroit? That is too funny.You have really captured their "just chilling" expressions!

Jen@heading North After Naptime

Oh my goodness...the little ones are SO adorable! Great pictures!


I so agree that winter is by far the best time to visit the zoo -- especially on the warmer ends of winter like today! I particularly like the camels as I can see them as I run by the zoo (along with the lemurs) on my route through Huntington Woods. We're lucky to have such a great zoo right in our backyard (for Royal Oak folks . ..)

Peter Carey

I've got a hump joke in here, but I won't use it. :)


Fly Girl-It was a "just chilling" kind of day. I love those sorts of days at the zoo--warm enough to walk around and for the animals to be outside, but cool enough that it isn't so crowded.

Jen-I only wish we could get photos without the fence background. There just wasn't a way to avoid it from our vantage point.

Brandon-Read your blog post about your run route. I always thought it would be fun to live in that neighborhood.

Peter-Thank goodness!! But thanks for stopping by :lol:

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