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November 07, 2008


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Great shots. I love how nature always finds a way to keep things going even in the most unlikely circumstances.

kat calvin

I love little stone lions! This one is too cute!


Midwest Guest, do we know each other? You must belong to NEORWA! I miss the Punderson Retreat! I let my membership lapse early this spring, because I could never make the meetings and I have trouble swallowing National's policies, but I hope to join up again sometime.

We should do lunch sometime!

Dominique King

I've gone to Punderson as part of the In The Company of Women writing retreat. It's an independent group who does the meet, although most of them are members of the International Womens Writing Guild. Sorry, no NEORWA connection...
Most of the folks who go are from Ohio, although I'm from the Detroit area. I got involved because the original conference organizer was a travel writer I met at a conference in NY.
So, the short answer is that we may not know each other, and if you're in the Cleveland area, we may have to split the difference and meet in Sandusky or Toledo for lunch. Not that that's bad :P

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