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« Begging for attention | Main | Photo Friday »

November 06, 2008


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Rachel Burton

What a pretty lighthouse! I'm not sure i've ever seen one in the US, so it looks like I should head to western MI. I've always wanted to see an old covered bridge too.


are we on the same wavelength? gorgeous photos! i do love this area. our cottage is by onekama.


Jessie, We've been visiting this area for ages!
I've held back doing a lot of "up north" posts, saving them back to do this winter and spring. So many things I could blog about up there...

You should definitely head out to northwestern Michigan, Rachel. Several pretty lighthouses up there.
Looking through my photos to see what I have of the covered bridges we've seen (mostly in Ohio) sometime in the future...hopefully that will be something I can blog about this winter.

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