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« Photo Friday | Main | North Dakota surprise »

September 30, 2008


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Linda (minnemom)

What kind of apples are most popular at the Michigan orchards? Here in Minnesota, Honeycrisps are definitely in the most demand.

Looks like a beautiful place to visit!


I've been seeing the Honey Crisps more often here in the past couple of years, although they're quite pricey. I just had one the other day, though. Yum!
McIntosh, Jonathans, Ida Reds, Red Delicious, Fuji, Gala...those are a few apple types I can think of that we see a lot around here.
Franklin Cider Mill and the village are nice, and we're so lucky they're close to us. In fact, we're planning to go on out there tomorrow on a cider run. :)

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